Handling the unique challenges that come with managing a remote team can be a feat of its own, but as many companies are learning in the past weeks, pivoting a full office- or many offices- to remote work with only a few days notice can be an organisational, cultural, and operational challenge… to put it lightly.Here at RingUC we are learning to implement some great strategies to work remote and keep in touch with our team.Our feeds have been drowned in remote working tips for the past week and our team would like to share our own. We will be holding a webinar next week to share how we as a business have adapted to the changes, reviewed our marketing to be relevant and sensitive to the devastation people are facing. As a business who is familiar to remote work, we would like to share everything we have learnt to assist your business in this time of need.Email justin@ringuc.com.au if your business needs help working remote.

5 tips for when you have to #WFH

  1. Create a daily routine with dedicated time for work, meals and personal time
  2. Exercise, it will help with your mental and physical health
  3. Fresh air, set reminders to go outside, stretch and breathe
  4. Create a work area, surround yourself with music, scents ect that help you concentrate.
  5. Stay connected, schedule recurring video meetings. Keep your work culture alive.


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